Sparky, you are absolutely correct about CDS and their impact on finance.

In effect, over-the-counter CDS permit one to place a bet on the failure of a corporation or nation -- and then go out and drive them into bankruptcy!

Such tactics were employed against both Bear Stearns and Lehman Bros.

The larger problem is that the biggest thieves ever have gained control of the system ( DTCC, SEC, FINRA, et. al. ) and are bleeding the capital markets so severely that the markets are being subverted.

Goldman Sachs is on record: they claim that they made $100,000,000 PER TRADING DAY in net profits over 90% of the time this year. Such lopsided and extreme profits are a sure sign that Goldman has a systemic advantage over the market in High Frequency Trading.

So it's no great surprise that one by one major hedge funds are withdrawing from the market, having suffered astounding losses.


These antics impact us in the trades because ultimately our payment money comes from the financial markets -- mortgage funding and REIT syndications.


The brightest opportunities seem to be the new government programs: Cash for Caulkers.

I submit that to make it we need to don a total-energy-conservation cap.

The focus must be on thermal imaging for heat loss -- at the panel/ breakers and at the walls/ joints.

EC's should pitch whole house fans -- particularly variable speed fans.


Another arrow in the quiver might be repairing microwaves, electric ovens and other really simple appliances.

It turns out that swapping magnetrons is pretty easy -- and is beyond the typical homeowner.

Likewise swapping out heating coils is a breeze. Since the rest of these appliances are so reliable one can largely assume that these are the problem.


Another electric system that is constantly getting sick is irrigation controls. The field wiring is only occasionally at fault. Much more common is connection failures due to corrosion and sticking solenoids. The occasional swap out of the master control is 'cake' work.

Most homeowners are at a loss to solve these troubles and may well dial up a hack 'handyman.'


Tis the season for exterior lighting. Perhaps your patrons would like a Lighting Contactor Control (LCC) that cycles the festive lighting.


It must be annoying when the garage light has been left on forever. Perhaps the patrons would like a smart switch with a delayed off.

Of course, intelligent switches belong all over the house -- closets come immediately to mind.


Some months ago I noted the credit contraction by Advanta and Citi. It now looks like this is going to be the new normal for YEARS to come.

Commercial rents are going into full reverse. Here and there I reading of property values dropping 50 to 65 percent. Such a trend has caused big work to stop.

The only market that seems to be growing is demolition and or repossession.
